UV Filters
97 products
While out and about in the harsh Aussie sun, we need protection from UV or UltraViolet radiation to stop it from damaging our skin and eyes. It's no surprise to learn that our camera lenses need exactly that same kind of protection from damaging UV rays. That's why there's a comprehensive range of UV filters to suit every style of lens on the market. While a polarizing filter is the best weapon against UV, a UV filter serves the dual purpose of also protecting your lens from damage. A photographer's worst nightmare is a deep scratch on the surface of their best lens. A UV lens filter protects the front element of any lens from bumps, grime and unrepairable scratches.
While out and about in the harsh Aussie sun, we need protection from UV or UltraViolet radiation to stop it from damaging our skin and eyes. It's no surprise to learn that our camera lenses need exactly that same kind of protection from damaging UV rays. That's why there's a comprehensive range of UV filters to suit every style of lens on the market. While a polarizing filter is the best weapon against UV, a UV filter serves the dual purpose of also protecting your lens from damage. A photographer's worst nightmare is a deep scratch on the surface of their best lens. A UV lens filter protects the front element of any lens from bumps, grime and unrepairable scratches.
A scratch on the front element of the lens cannot be buffed out with a cleaning cloth. What's worse is a lens with a cracked or smashed front element as a result of a clumsy drop. Almost every photographer will tell the tale of a dropped lens or one that came close to being dropped. A UV filter provides a protective layer between your expensive lens and the outside world. In a worst-case scenario, a deeply scratched, cracked or smashed UV lens filter can be tossed away and replaced at a small cost. It's a small price to pay, especially when compared to the cost of sending a lens away for repair or having to replace it entirely.
Even if you're lucky enough to never drop a lens, there's still a harsh environment just waiting to ruin the clarity of your shot. Dust, sand, rain, mud and sticky fingers are all vying for the chance to smudge and sully your crystal clear view. With a suitable lens cleaning kit or cleaning cloth, you can remove all the gunk and grime without fear of scratching your lens. At Georges Cameras, we have a UV lens filter for every lens from a wide range of leading filter brands. Regardless of your budget, there's a UV filter available to protect your investment and ensure optical clarity in every shot.
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